If you want to make some quick cash, get up in the morning, pick up the phone and call a few prospects. By the end of the day, you will have new clients. If you have a telephone and can speak English, then there is no reason for your business to be struggling. The only way you will get new clients, and more business is if you ask. Let's face it; cold calling is the least favorite step in the sales cycle for most company owners. That phone call marketing works is a fact; the challenge is that you probably do not have time to do it and it would cost your company thousands of dollars to hire the right agent to train and manage daily. A costly proposition to say the least.
What if you had someone to make the calls for you for a small fraction of the cost of hiring your employee. Our industry trained agents will represent your company with the right script targeting affiliates, new corporate and group business, event companies, travel managers or anyone else you designate.
What about calling to thank your clients, to let them know you now have a new vehicle or are providing global services? Will that put more money in the bank? While you are a CEO, we are closing the deals for you.
Our agents are trained to perform some tasks including